What makes a not-for-profit 'well-run'? Have your say.

At Good Foundations, our mission is to build the capacity of the not-for-profit sector. We support organisations to run themselves as well as possible so they improve their impact on the communities they serve.

But, what is a ‘well-run’ NFP exactly? We hear this term being used consistently, both by donors and organisations. Gretel Packer referenced the term when launching her family’s $200M philanthropic fund last year, stating that the Packer Family Foundation would “identify and support community projects that are innovative, well-run and that will drive lasting social change”.

However, there is no common agreement around a definition of a well-run organisation.

We want to start a dialogue around this question, and this is where you get to have your say. Together with PwC, we’ve put together two surveys addressing some key questions around the idea of a well-run NFP – we want to know what ‘well-run’ means to you.

 Surveys will be open until March 24th and results will be published here. With our findings, we hope to get to the heart of what it means to be a well-run not-for-profit, or at least get the conversation going.

If you are an employee of a not-for-profit organisation, access your survey here.

 If you are a donor, please take a look at this survey.

Surveys will only take ten minutes of your time, so please do spread the word – pass this on to colleagues and friends, or anyone you know can contribute. We look forward to sharing the results and getting some insights into what exactly is, a well-run not-for-profit.